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Client: General Federation of Women’s Clubs of North Carolina
Date: April 2012
Tools: Photoshop, Illustrator
Skills: Advertising, Graphic Design

A staggering number of children in N.C. are defined as being “food-insecure,” meaning they are not getting sufficient food. To help combat this problem, the General Federation of Women’s Clubs of N.C. chose to focus its efforts throughout 2012-14 on providing food for 500,000 of these children in a campaign called, “Feed the Future.” I was approached by the state president of GFWC-NC to create a series of images to publicize this effort. Half a million is a huge number, but we wanted people to be able to see the scope of the problem at a glance, so I decided to use patterns of dots to convey the number of children who need help. The resulting images were used as banners and handouts at GFWC-NC conferences and events.